Source code for Gaussino.Simulation

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Utilities to configure the Simulation step of Gaussino
import Configurables
from Gaudi.Configuration import ConfigurableUser, Configurable, ApplicationMgr
from Gaussino.Utilities import gigaService
from Gaussino.SimUtils import configure_giga_alg, append_truth_actions
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import mm, km

[docs]class SimPhase(ConfigurableUser): """Configurable for the Simulation phase in Gaussino. Does not implement a self.__apply_configuration__ itself. Instead, all member functions are explicitly called during the configuration of Gaussino() General properties :var DebugCommunication: default: ``False`` :vartype DebugCommunication: bool, optional :var TrackTruth: default: ``False`` :vartype TrackTruth: bool, optional :var G4BeginRunCommand: default: ``["/tracking/verbose 0", "/process/eLoss/verbose 0"]`` :vartype G4BeginRunCommand: bool, optional :var G4EndRunCommand: default: ``[]`` :vartype G4EndRunCommand: bool, optional Physics related properties :var CutForElectron: default: ``-1. * km`` :vartype CutForElectron: float, optional :var CutForGamma: default: ``-1. * km`` :vartype CutForGamma: float, optional :var CutForPositron: default: ``-1. * km`` :vartype CutForPositron: float, optional :var DumpCutsTable: default: ``False`` :vartype DumpCutsTable: bool, optional :var PhysicsConstructors: default: ``[]``, list of the factories used to attach physics to the main modular list :vartype PhysicsConstructors: list, optional Geometry related properties :var GeometryService: default: ``""``, name of the geometry service, if not provided then some custom geometry must be provided or using the external detector package :vartype GeometryService: str, optional :var SensDetMap: default: ``{}``, additional map of sensitive volumes to volumes added on top of any geometry service :vartype SensDetMap: dict, optional :var ExtraGeoTools: default: ``[]``, additional list of tools related to the geometry :vartype ExtraGeoTools: list, optional :var ExportGDML: default: ``{}`` :vartype ExportGDML: dict, optional :var ExternalDetectorEmbedder: default: ``""``, name of the embedder used when creating external geometry :vartype ExternalDetectorEmbedder: str, optional :var ParallelGeometry: default: ``False`` :vartype ParallelGeometry: bool, optional """ __slots__ = { "DebugCommunication": False, "TrackTruth": True, "G4BeginRunCommand": ["/tracking/verbose 0", "/process/eLoss/verbose 0"], "G4EndRunCommand": [], # physics related properties "PhysicsConstructors": [], "CutForElectron": -1. * km, "CutForPositron": -1 * km, "CutForGamma": -1 * km, "DumpCutsTable": False, # geometry related properties "GeometryService": "", "SensDetMap": {}, "ExtraGeoTools": [], "ExportGDML": {}, "ExternalDetectorEmbedder": "", "ParallelGeometry": False, } def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs): kwargs["name"] = name super(SimPhase, self).__init__(*(), **kwargs) def _addConstructorsWithNames(self, tool, joint_names): for joint_name in joint_names: if '/' in joint_name: template, name = joint_name.split('/') tool.addTool(getattr(Configurables, template), name=name)
[docs] def setOtherProp(self, other, name): """Set the given property in another configurable object :param other: The other configurable to set the property for :param name: The property name """ self.propagateProperty(name, other)
[docs] def setOtherProps(self, other, names): """ Set the given properties in another configurable object :param other: The other configurable to set the property for :param names: The property names """ self.propagateProperties(names, other)
[docs] def configure_phase(self): """ Main method that configures the simulation phase """ seq = [] gigaService(debugcommunication=self.getProp('DebugCommunication')) from Configurables import GiGaMT giga = GiGaMT() giga_alg = configure_giga_alg() seq += [giga_alg] self.set_base_physics(giga) geo_algs = self.set_base_detector_geometry(giga) seq += geo_algs ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += seq if self.getProp('TrackTruth'): if self.getProp('DebugCommunication'): append_truth_actions(OutputLevel=-10) else: append_truth_actions()
def set_base_physics(self, giga): """ Main method that configures the physics list through the ``PhysicsConstructors`` property. :param giga: GiGaMT tool """ from Configurables import GiGaMTModularPhysListFAC gmpl = giga.addTool(GiGaMTModularPhysListFAC(), name="ModularPL") giga.PhysicsListFactory = getattr(giga, "ModularPL") phys_list = self.getProp('PhysicsConstructors') gmpl.PhysicsConstructors = phys_list self._addConstructorsWithNames(gmpl, phys_list) # Add parallel physics par_geo = self.getProp("ParallelGeometry") if par_geo: from Configurables import ParallelGeometry ParallelGeometry().attach_physics(gmpl) def set_base_detector_geometry(self, giga): """ Main method that configures the detector construction through the ``Geometry Service`` property. :param giga: GiGaMT tool """ from Configurables import GiGaMTDetectorConstructionFAC algs = [] dettool = giga.addTool( GiGaMTDetectorConstructionFAC(), name="DetConst") giga.DetectorConstruction = getattr(giga, "DetConst") dettool.GiGaMTGeoSvc = self.getProp("GeometryService") dettool.SensDetVolumeMap = self.getProp("SensDetMap") extra_tools = self.getProp("ExtraGeoTools") dettool.AfterGeoConstructionTools = extra_tools self._addConstructorsWithNames(dettool, extra_tools) # Add external detectors geometries # TODO: external geometry was prepared to operate with spillover # but it is not available yet # so for now there are no 'slot' param in the algos embedder_name = self.getProp("ExternalDetectorEmbedder") if embedder_name: from Configurables import ExternalDetectorEmbedder embedder = ExternalDetectorEmbedder(embedder_name) embedder.embed(dettool) algs += embedder.activate_hits_alg() # no slot for now! algs += embedder.activate_moni_alg() # no slot for now! # Add parallel geometry par_geo = self.getProp("ParallelGeometry") if par_geo: from Configurables import ParallelGeometry par_geo = ParallelGeometry() algs += par_geo.attach(dettool) #for par_ext_emd in par_geo._external_embedders: # self._external_embedders.append(par_ext_emd) #par_geo.world_to_gdml(giga.RunSeq) # Save as a GDML File gdml_export = self.getProp("ExportGDML") if type(gdml_export) is not dict: raise RuntimeError("ExportGDML should be a dictionary of options") else: for name, value in gdml_export.items(): if name.startswith('GDML'): setattr(dettool, name, value) else: raise RuntimeError("GDML options start with GDML") return algs