Running Gaussino
Please note that Gaussino is an experiment-independent package. If you are looking for a concrete experiment implementation, here is the list:
Gauss-on-Gaussino (LHCb Experiment)
Running from the nighlties
Currently it is only possible to build Gaussino with the help of nightly builds.
You can check the nighlty build status by visiting The nightly slot currently available for Gaussino is lhcb-gaussino
. You can either install the latest build or one from the past in case the current one is failed.
Configuring the environment
Make sure you’re using LbEnv on lxplus or similar. You can run this to be sure:
source /cvmfs/
Configure the platform
lb-set-platform x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11-opt
Use x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc10+dd4hep-opt if you want work with Detector/DD4hep.
Building from source
This is the recommended way for now.
Fetch the nightlies locally
lbn-install --verbose --platforms=x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11-opt --projects=Gaudi,Geant4,DBASE,Detector,LHCb,Run2Support lhcb-gaussino Today export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$PWD:${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}
Use x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11+dd4hep-opt if you want work with Detector/DD4hep.
OR (less recommended) add the nightlies path to
directly from the destinationexport CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/cvmfs/${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}
Clone the repository.
git clone ssh:// cd Gaussino
Don’t forget to merge all pending merge requests with a label
!Configure, build and install:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain.cmake -B build make -C build -j4 install
Working on a satellite project
This is not working yet.
Get a skeleton of your project by typing:
lb-dev --nightly lhcb-gaussino/Today Gaussino/HEAD -c x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt
Additional configuration.
cd GaussinoDev_HEAD
git lb-use Gaussino
Configure the package you’d like to develop. Here
git lb-checkout Gaussino/master Sim/Gaussino
Working on a satellite project with nightlies locally
This is not working yet.
This might be useful if you want a local copy of the projects in the nighlt slot or if you’re looking for a nightly slot that is no longer present in /cvmfs/
ll /cvmfs/
Here is an exemplary list of nighlty slots:
total 5.0K
drwxr-xr-x. 12 cvmfs cvmfs 224 Apr 24 01:44 931
drwxr-xr-x. 12 cvmfs cvmfs 224 Apr 26 01:05 932
drwxr-xr-x. 12 cvmfs cvmfs 224 Apr 27 01:43 933
drwxr-xr-x. 12 cvmfs cvmfs 224 Apr 29 01:20 934
drwxr-xr-x. 12 cvmfs cvmfs 224 Apr 30 02:30 935
drwxr-xr-x. 12 cvmfs cvmfs 224 May 2 02:53 936
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 3 Apr 30 01:11 Fri -> 935
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 3 May 2 00:10 latest -> 936
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 3 May 2 00:10 Sun -> 936
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 3 Apr 29 00:35 Thu -> 934
```Today```` nighlty slot will be used in further steps.
Create a base directory for your nighlties.
mkdir gaussino_base
Install the nightlies in your base directory.
lbn-install --verbose --projects Gaussino --platforms x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt --dest gaussino_base/lhcb-gaussino/Today lhcb-gaussino Today
Use the nightlies in your base directory to work on a satellite project.
lb-dev --nightly-base gaussino_base --nightly lhcb-gaussino/Today Gaussino/HEAD -c x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt
Additional configuration.
cd GaussinoDev_HEAD
git lb-use Gaussino
Configure the package you’d like to develop. Here
git lb-checkout Gaussino/master Sim/Gaussino