Parallel Geometry
Parallel Cube
Here’s an example of how you can embed an empty cube in a parallel world that will also be activated as an MCCollector
type of sensitive detector:
from Configurables import Gaussino
Gaussino().EvtMax = 1
Gaussino().EnableHive = True
Gaussino().ThreadPoolSize = 1
Gaussino().EventSlots = 1
from Configurables import GiGaMT
GiGaMT().NumberOfWorkerThreads = 1
# some dumb generation, not important, just fast
from Gaussino.Generation import GenPhase
GenPhase().ParticleGun = True
GenPhase().ParticleGunUseDefault = True
from Gaussino.Simulation import SimPhase
SimPhase().ParallelGeometry = True
from Configurables import ExternalDetectorEmbedder
parallel_embedder = ExternalDetectorEmbedder("CubeEmbedder")
# sets up the mass geometry
parallel_embedder.World = {
"WorldMaterial": "OuterSpace",
"Type": "ExternalWorldCreator",
"OutputLevel": DEBUG,
# material needed for the external world
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import g, cm3, pascal, mole, kelvin
parallel_embedder.Materials = {
"OuterSpace": {
"AtomicNumber": 1.,
"MassNumber": 1.01 * g / mole,
"Density": 1.e-25 * g / cm3,
"Pressure": 3.e-18 * pascal,
"Temperature": 2.73 * kelvin,
parallel_embedder.Shapes = {
"Cube": {
"Type": "Cuboid",
"xSize": 1. * m,
"ySize": 1. * m,
"zSize": 1. * m,
parallel_embedder.Sensitive = {
"Cube": {
"Type": "MCCollectorSensDet",
from Configurables import ParallelGeometry
ParallelGeometry().ParallelWorlds = {
'ParallelCubeWorld': {
'ExternalDetectorEmbedder': 'CubeEmbedder',
ParallelGeometry().ParallelPhysics = {
'ParallelCubeWorld': {
'LayeredMass': False, # if true, then materials will be overridden down the stack
Mixed geometry
Here you’ll find 3 same-size sensitive detectors (of type MCCollector
) each placed in a different world. One of them is placed in the mass world and is made out of the lead. The second one is made out of the vacuum and placed in a parallel world, right on top of the mass world. Finally, the last one is placed in another parallel world on top of the other worlds.
A single 1 GeV photon is released along the z-axis. Because the last world on the stack has LayerdMass=False
, the material is not overridden and the photon “sees” vacuum as the material of the plane. As a result, it does not deposit any energy within its body.
This example is also used as a test mixed_geometry.qmt
. The test checks whether the hits generated in all three sensitive detectors are EXACTLY the same. They should be registered in the same place and have 0 energy deposit.
# standard Gaussino
from Configurables import Gaussino
Gaussino().EvtMax = 1
Gaussino().EnableHive = True
Gaussino().ThreadPoolSize = 1
Gaussino().EventSlots = 1
from Configurables import GiGaMT
GiGaMT().NumberOfWorkerThreads = 1
# Enable EDM as we will create hits
from Configurables import Gaussino
Gaussino().ConvertEDM = True
# Activate EM physics
from Gaussino.Simulation import SimPhase
SimPhase().PhysicsConstructors = ["GiGaMT_G4EmStandardPhysics"]
# Particle Gun
# shoots just one 1 GeV photon along z
from Gaussino.Generation import GenPhase
GenPhase().ParticleGun = True
GenPhase().ParticleGunUseDefault = False
from Configurables import ParticleGun
pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
from Configurables import FixedMomentum
pgun.ParticleGunTool = "FixedMomentum"
pgun.addTool(FixedMomentum, name="FixedMomentum")
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
pgun.FixedMomentum.px = 0. * GeV = 0. * GeV
pgun.FixedMomentum.pz = 1. * GeV
pgun.FixedMomentum.PdgCodes = [22]
from Configurables import FlatNParticles
pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")
pgun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 1
pgun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 1
# plain/testing geometry service
from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
world = {
'WorldMaterial': 'OuterSpace',
'Type': 'ExternalWorldCreator',
'OutputLevel': DEBUG,
# material needed for the external world
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import g, cm3, pascal, mole, kelvin
from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
materials = {
"OuterSpace": {
'AtomicNumber': 1.,
'MassNumber': 1.01 * g / mole,
'Density': 1.e-25 * g / cm3,
'Pressure': 3.e-18 * pascal,
'Temperature': 2.73 * kelvin,
'State': 'Gas',
'OutputLevel': DEBUG,
'Pb': {
'Type': 'MaterialFromElements',
'Symbols': ['Pb'],
'AtomicNumbers': [82.],
'MassNumbers': [207.2 * g / mole],
'MassFractions': [1.],
'Density': 11.29 * g / cm3,
'State': 'Solid',
'OutputLevel': DEBUG,
# Generic options for all detectors
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import m
generic_shape = {
'Type': 'Cuboid',
'xPos': 0. * m,
'yPos': 0. * m,
'zPos': 5. * m,
'xSize': 5. * m,
'ySize': 5. * m,
'zSize': 1. * m,
'OutputLevel': DEBUG,
generic_sensitive = {
'Type': 'MCCollectorSensDet',
'RequireEDep': False,
'OnlyForward': False,
'PrintStats': True,
'OutputLevel': DEBUG,
generic_hit = {
'Type': 'GetMCCollectorHitsAlg',
'OutputLevel': DEBUG,
# External detector embedders in mass & parallel geometry
from Configurables import ExternalDetectorEmbedder
mass_embedder = ExternalDetectorEmbedder('MassEmbedder')
parallel_embedder_1 = ExternalDetectorEmbedder('ParallelEmbedder1')
parallel_embedder_2 = ExternalDetectorEmbedder('ParallelEmbedder2')
mass_embedder.Shapes = {'MassPlane': dict(generic_shape)}
mass_embedder.Shapes['MassPlane']["MaterialName"] = 'Pb'
mass_embedder.Sensitive = {'MassPlane': dict(generic_sensitive)}
mass_embedder.Hit = {'MassPlane': dict(generic_hit)}
mass_embedder.Materials = materials
mass_embedder.World = world
parallel_embedder_1.Shapes = {'ParallelPlane1': dict(generic_shape)}
parallel_embedder_1.Shapes['ParallelPlane1']["MaterialName"] = 'OuterSpace'
parallel_embedder_1.Sensitive = {'ParallelPlane1': dict(generic_sensitive)}
parallel_embedder_1.Hit = {'ParallelPlane1': dict(generic_hit)}
parallel_embedder_2.Shapes = {'ParallelPlane2': dict(generic_shape)}
parallel_embedder_2.Shapes['ParallelPlane2']["MaterialName"] = 'Pb'
parallel_embedder_2.Sensitive = {'ParallelPlane2': dict(generic_sensitive)}
parallel_embedder_2.Hit = {'ParallelPlane2': dict(generic_hit)}
from Configurables import ParallelGeometry
ParallelGeometry().ParallelWorlds = {
'ParallelWorld1': {
'ExternalDetectorEmbedder': 'ParallelEmbedder1',
'ExportGDML': {
'GDMLFileName': 'ParallelWorld1.gdml',
'GDMLFileNameOverwrite': True,
'GDMLExportSD': True,
'GDMLExportEnergyCuts': True,
'ParallelWorld2': {
'ExternalDetectorEmbedder': 'ParallelEmbedder2',
'ExportGDML': {
'GDMLFileName': 'ParallelWorld2.gdml',
'GDMLFileNameOverwrite': True,
'GDMLExportSD': True,
'GDMLExportEnergyCuts': True,
ParallelGeometry().ParallelPhysics = {
'ParallelWorld1': {
'LayeredMass': True,
'ParticlePIDs': [22],
'ParallelWorld2': {
'LayeredMass': False,
'ParticlePIDs': [22],
from Gaussino.Simulation import SimPhase
SimPhase().ParallelGeometry = True
# here embedding of the geometry takes place
from Gaussino.Simulation import SimPhase
SimPhase().ExternalDetectorEmbedder = "MassEmbedder"
SimPhase().ExportGDML = {
'GDMLFileName': 'MassWorld.gdml',
'GDMLFileNameOverwrite': True,
'GDMLExportSD': True,
'GDMLExportEnergyCuts': True,