Short description
The LHCb simulation team decided to move all the experiment-independent components from the simulation software and place it in a separate project, called Gaussino, as a core simulation framework. Gaussino can also work as a standalone application. Gaussino follows the Gaudi’s inter-event-based parallelism of the event loop, in which algorithms are scheduled in a way that guarantees thread-safety. Gaussino communicates with Geant4 objects by creating corresponding factories that act as Gaudi tools. In the event loop, Gaudi places the generated event on the top of a FIFO queue. Geant4 worker threads then take the event from the queue and perform the simulation following their own multi-threading scheme.
Further reading
You can find more information about Gaussino in the following papers:
- GaussinoPaper1
Muller and B. G. Siddi, Gaussino - a Gaudi-Based Core Simulation Framework,
- GaussinoPaper2
- GaussinoPaper3
Mazurek, G.Corti, D. Muller, New Simulation Software Technologies at the LHCb Experiment at CERN