Source code for Gaussino.Generation

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High level and utility functions to set up the Generation step in Gaussino

from Gaudi.Configuration import ConfigurableUser, Configurable, ApplicationMgr
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits
from Gaudi.Configuration import log
from Gaussino.GenUtils import configure_rnd_init, configure_gen_monitor
from Gaussino.GenUtils import configure_hepmc_writer

[docs]class GenPhase(ConfigurableUser): """Configurable for the Generation phase in Gaussino. Does not implement a self.__apply_configuration__ itself. Instead, all member functions are explicitly called during the configuration of Gaussino() :var BeamMomentum: default: ``3.5 * SystemOfUnits.TeV`` :vartype BeamMomentum: float, optional :var BeamHCrossingAngle: default: ``-0.520 * SystemOfUnits.mrad`` :vartype BeamHCrossingAngle: float, optional :var BeamVCrossingAngle: default: ``0.0`` :vartype BeamVCrossingAngle: float, optional :var BeamEmittance: default: ``0.0037 *`` :vartype BeamEmittance: float, optional :var BeamBetaStar: default: ``3.1 * SystemOfUnits.m`` :vartype BeamBetaStar: float, optional :var BeamLineAngles: default: ``[-0.075 * SystemOfUnits.mrad, 0.035 * SystemOfUnits.mrad]`` :vartype BeamLineAngles: list, optional :var InteractionPosition: default: ``[0.459 *, -0.015 *, 0.5 *]`` :vartype InteractionPosition: list, optional :var BunchRMS: default: ``82.03 *`` :vartype BunchRMS: float, optional :var Luminosity: default: ``0.247 * (10 ** 30) / (SystemOfUnits.cm2 * SystemOfUnits.s)`` :vartype Luminosity: float, optional :var TotalCrossSection: default: ``91.1 * SystemOfUnits.millibarn`` :vartype TotalCrossSection: float, optional :var B2Momentum: default: ``3.5 * SystemOfUnits.TeV`` :vartype B2Momentum: float, optional :var B1Particle: default: ``'p'`` :vartype B1Particle: str, optional :var B2Particle: default: ``'p'`` :vartype B2Particle: str, optional :var EvtMax: default: ``-1`` :vartype EvtMax: int, optional :var WriteHepMC: default: ``False`` :vartype WriteHepMC: bool, optional :var GenMonitor: default: ``False`` :vartype GenMonitor: bool, optional :var ParticleGun: default: ``False`` :vartype ParticleGun: bool, optional :var ParticleGunUseDefault: default: ``False`` :vartype ParticleGunUseDefault: bool, optional :var Production_kwargs: default: ``{}`` :vartype Production_kwargs: dict, optional :var ConvertEDM: default: ``False`` :vartype ConvertEDM: bool, optional :var SampleGenerationTool: default: ``'SignalPlain'`` :vartype SampleGenerationTool: str, optional :var SampleGenerationToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype SampleGenerationToolOpts: dict, optional :var PileUpTool: default: ``'FixedLuminosityWithSvc'`` :vartype PileUpTool: str, optional :var ProductionTool: default: ``'Pythia8Production'`` :vartype ProductionTool: str, optional :var DecayTool: default: ``''`` :vartype DecayTool: str, optional :var CutTool: default: ``''`` :vartype CutTool: str, optional :var CutToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype CutToolOpts: dict, optional :var FullGenEventTool: default: ``''`` :vartype FullGenEventTool: str, optional :var FullGenEventToolOpts: default: ``{}`` :vartype FullGenEventToolOpts: dict, optional """ __slots__ = { "BeamMomentum": 3.5 * SystemOfUnits.TeV, # NOQA "BeamHCrossingAngle": -0.520 * SystemOfUnits.mrad, # NOQA "BeamVCrossingAngle": 0.0, # NOQA "BeamEmittance": 0.0037 *, # NOQA "BeamBetaStar": 3.1 * SystemOfUnits.m, # NOQA "BeamLineAngles": [-0.075 * SystemOfUnits.mrad, 0.035 * SystemOfUnits.mrad], # NOQA "InteractionPosition": [ 0.459 *, -0.015 *, 0.5 * ], # NOQA "BunchRMS": 82.03 *, # NOQA "Luminosity": 0.247 * (10**30) / (SystemOfUnits.cm2 * SystemOfUnits.s), # NOQA "TotalCrossSection": 91.1 * SystemOfUnits.millibarn, # NOQA "B2Momentum": 3.5 * SystemOfUnits.TeV, # NOQA "B1Particle": 'p', # NOQA "B2Particle": 'p', # NOQA "EvtMax": -1, # NOQA "WriteHepMC": False, # NOQA "GenMonitor": False, # NOQA "ParticleGun": False, # NOQA "ParticleGunUseDefault": True, # NOQA "Production_kwargs": {}, # NOQA "ConvertEDM": False, # NOQA "SampleGenerationTool": 'SignalPlain', # NOQA "SampleGenerationToolOpts": {}, # NOQA "PileUpTool": 'FixedLuminosityWithSvc', # NOQA "ProductionTool": 'Pythia8Production', # NOQA "DecayTool": '', # NOQA "CutTool": '', # NOQA "CutToolOpts": {}, # NOQA "FullGenEventCutTool": '', # NOQA "FullGenEventCutToolOpts": {} # NOQA } def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs): kwargs["name"] = name super(GenPhase, self).__init__(*(), **kwargs)
[docs] def setOtherProp(self, other, name): """Set the given property in another configurable object :param other: The other configurable to set the property for :param name: The property name """ self.propagateProperty(name, other)
[docs] def setOtherProps(self, other, names): """ Set the given properties in another configurable object :param other: The other configurable to set the property for :param names: The property names """ self.propagateProperties(names, other)
[docs] def configure_generation(self, seq): """ Configuration method for the generation other than a particle gun. :param seq: list of algorithms """ # Algorithm that produces the actual HepMC by talking to stuff SampleGenerationTool = self.getProp('SampleGenerationTool') ProductionTool = self.getProp('ProductionTool') DecayTool = self.getProp('DecayTool') CutTool = self.getProp('CutTool') FullGenEventCutTool = self.getProp('FullGenEventCutTool') PileUpTool = self.getProp('PileUpTool') from Gaussino.Utilities import beaminfoService from Gaussino.Utilities import get_set_configurable beaminfoService() from Configurables import Gaussino if Gaussino().getProp("ReDecay"): from Configurables import ReDecayGeneration gen_alg = ReDecayGeneration() else: from Configurables import Generation gen_alg = Generation() sgt = get_set_configurable(gen_alg, 'SampleGenerationTool', SampleGenerationTool) sgt_opts = self.getProp('SampleGenerationToolOpts') for n, v in sgt_opts.items(): sgt.setProp(n, v) try: sgt.DecayTool = DecayTool except: pass try: if CutTool != '': ct = get_set_configurable(sgt, 'CutTool', CutTool) ct_opts = self.getProp('CutToolOpts') for n, v in ct_opts.items(): ct.setProp(n, v) else: sgt.CutTool = '' except Exception as e: log.error('Could not configure CutTool', e) if FullGenEventCutTool != '': ct = get_set_configurable(gen_alg, 'FullGenEventCutTool', FullGenEventCutTool) ct_opts = self.getProp('FullGenEventCutToolOpts') for n, v in ct_opts.items(): ct.setProp(n, v) else: gen_alg.FullGenEventCutTool = '' prod = get_set_configurable(sgt, 'ProductionTool', ProductionTool) if ProductionTool in ["Pythia8Production", "Pythia8ProductionMT"]: prod.BeamToolName = 'CollidingBeamsWithSvc' if ProductionTool == "Pythia8ProductionMT": from Configurables import Gaussino prod.NThreads = Gaussino().ThreadPoolSize gen_alg.PileUpTool = PileUpTool gen_alg.VertexSmearingTool = 'BeamSpotSmearVertexWithSvc' gen_alg.DecayTool = DecayTool seq += [gen_alg] # Now do it all again for the signal part if Gaussino().getProp("ReDecay"): from Configurables import ReDecaySignalGeneration siggen_alg = ReDecaySignalGeneration() siggen_alg.HepMCEventLocation = 'Gen/SignalDecayTree' siggen_alg.GenCollisionLocation = 'Gen/SignalCollisions' siggen_alg.GenHeaderOutputLocation = 'Gen/SignalGenHeader' seq += [siggen_alg] sgt = get_set_configurable(siggen_alg, 'SampleGenerationTool', 'SignalPlain') sgt.RevertWhenBackward = False # Don't invert in the redecay part siggen_alg.GenFSRLocation = "" sgt.GenFSRLocation = "" sgt_opts = self.getProp('SampleGenerationToolOpts') if 'SignalPIDList' in sgt_opts: sgt.setProp('SignalPIDList', sgt_opts['SignalPIDList']) else: # FIXME: First only support signal like org tool log.error("Original sample generation tool not of signal type") try: sgt.DecayTool = DecayTool except: pass try: if CutTool != '': ct = get_set_configurable(sgt, 'CutTool', CutTool) ct_opts = self.getProp('CutToolOpts') for n, v in ct_opts.items(): ct.setProp(n, v) else: sgt.CutTool = '' except Exception as e: log.error('Could not configure CutTool', e) if FullGenEventCutTool != '': ct = get_set_configurable(siggen_alg, 'FullGenEventCutTool', FullGenEventCutTool) ct_opts = self.getProp('FullGenEventCutToolOpts') for n, v in ct_opts.items(): ct.setProp(n, v) else: siggen_alg.FullGenEventCutTool = '' prod = get_set_configurable(sgt, 'ProductionTool', 'ReDecayProduction') siggen_alg.PileUpTool = 'ReDecayPileUp' siggen_alg.VertexSmearingTool = '' siggen_alg.DecayTool = DecayTool
[docs] def configure_pgun(self, seq): """Simple utility function to create and configure an instance of particle gun :param seq: list of algorithms """ from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, rad from Configurables import ParticleGun pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun") if self.getProp('ParticleGunUseDefault'): pgun.EventType = 53210205 from Configurables import MomentumRange pgun.addTool(MomentumRange, name="MomentumRange") pgun.ParticleGunTool = "MomentumRange" from Configurables import FlatNParticles pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles") pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles" pgun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 1 pgun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 1 pgun.MomentumRange.PdgCodes = [-2112] pgun.MomentumRange.MomentumMin = 2.0 * GeV pgun.MomentumRange.MomentumMax = 100.0 * GeV pgun.MomentumRange.ThetaMin = 0.015 * rad pgun.MomentumRange.ThetaMax = 0.300 * rad seq += [pgun]
[docs] def configure_phase(self): # NOQA """ Main configuration method for the generation phase. """ EvtMax = self.getProp('EvtMax') if EvtMax <= 0: raise RuntimeError( "Generating events but selected '%s' events." % EvtMax) # NOQA seq = [] if self.getProp('ParticleGun'): self.configure_pgun(seq) else: self.configure_generation(seq) # Algorithm to initialise the random seeds and make a GenHeader rnd_init = configure_rnd_init() seq += [rnd_init] if self.getProp('GenMonitor'): gen_moni = configure_gen_monitor() seq += [gen_moni] if self.getProp('WriteHepMC'): seq += [configure_hepmc_writer()] # seq.Members += [GenerationToSimulation(), CheckMCStructure()] ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += seq
[docs] def configure_genonly(self): """ Method that is used when only the generation phase is used. """ seq = [] from Configurables import Gaussino if Gaussino().getProp('ReDecay'): from Configurables import ReDecaySkipSimAlg alg = ReDecaySkipSimAlg() else: from Configurables import SkipSimAlg alg = SkipSimAlg() from Gaussino.Utilities import get_set_configurable tool = get_set_configurable(alg, 'HepMCConverter') try: tool.CheckParticle = False except: pass seq += [alg] ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += seq
@staticmethod def eventType(): from Configurables import Generation evtType = '' if Generation("Generation").isPropertySet("EventType"): evtType = str(Generation("Generation").EventType) return evtType