Source code for Gaussino.Configuration

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High level configuration tools for Gaussino

__author__ = "Dominik Muller <>"

from Gaudi.Configuration import ConfigurableUser, Configurable, ApplicationMgr
from Gaudi.Configuration import log
from Gaussino.Utilities import (ppService, dataService, redecayService,
                                auditorService, histogramService)
from Gaussino.Utilities import configure_edm_conversion
from Gaussino.Generation import GenPhase
from Gaussino.Simulation import SimPhase

[docs]class Gaussino(ConfigurableUser): """Main Configurable of Gaussino. .. warning:: Some of these options have to be revisited as they might be inactive or redundant. :var Histograms: default: ``"DEFAULT"`` :vartype Histograms: str, optional :var DatasetName: default: ``"Gaussino"`` :vartype DatasetName: str, optional :var DatasetNameForced: default: ``False`` :vartype DatasetNameForced: bool, optional :var DataType: default: ``""`` :vartype DataType: str, optional :var SpilloverPaths: default: ``[]`` :vartype SpilloverPaths: list, optional :var Phases: default: ``["Generator","Simulation"]`` :vartype Phases: list, optional :var OutputType: default: ``'SIM'`` :vartype OutputType: str, optional :var EnablePack: default: ``True`` :vartype EnablePack: bool, optional :var DataPackingChecks: default: ``True`` :vartype DataPackingChecks: bool, optional :var WriteFSR: default: ``True`` :vartype WriteFSR: bool, optional :var MergeGenFSR: default: ``False`` :vartype MergeGenFSR: bool, optional :var Debug: default: ``False`` :vartype Debug: bool, optional :var BeamPipe: default: ``"BeamPipeOn"`` :vartype BeamPipe: str, optional :var ReplaceWithGDML: default: ``[ { "volsToReplace": [], "gdmlFile": "" } ]`` :vartype ReplaceWithGDML: list, optional :var RandomGenerator: default: ``'Ranlux'`` :vartype RandomGenerator: str, optional :var EvtMax: default: ``-1`` :vartype EvtMax: int, optional :var EnableHive: default: ``False`` :vartype EnableHive: bool, optional :var ReDecay: default: ``False`` :vartype ReDecay: bool, optional :var ThreadPoolSize: default: ``2`` :vartype ThreadPoolSize: int, optional :var EventSlots: default: ``2`` :vartype EventSlots: int, optional :var ConvertEDM: default: ``False`` :vartype ConvertEDM: bool, optional :var ForceRandomEngine: default: ``'NONE'`` :vartype ForceRandomEngine: str, optional :var ParticleTable: default: ``'$GAUSSINOROOT/data/ParticleTable.txt'`` :vartype ParticleTable: str, optional """ __used_configurables__ = [GenPhase] __slots__ = { "Histograms": "DEFAULT" # NOQA , "DatasetName": "Gaussino" # NOQA , "DatasetNameForced": False # NOQA , "DataType": "" # NOQA , "SpilloverPaths": [] # NOQA , "Phases": ["Generator", "Simulation"] # The Gauss phases to include in the SIM file # NOQA , "OutputType": 'SIM' # NOQA , "EnablePack": True # NOQA , "DataPackingChecks": True # NOQA , "WriteFSR": True # NOQA , "MergeGenFSR": False # NOQA , "Debug": False # NOQA , "BeamPipe": "BeamPipeOn" # _beamPipeSwitch = 1 # NOQA , "ReplaceWithGDML": [{ "volsToReplace": [], "gdmlFile": "" }] # NOQA , "RandomGenerator": 'Ranlux' # NOQA , "EvtMax": -1 # NOQA , "EnableHive": False # NOQA , "ReDecay": False # NOQA , "ThreadPoolSize": 2 # NOQA , "EventSlots": 2 # NOQA , "ConvertEDM": False # NOQA , "ForceRandomEngine": 'NONE' # NOQA , "ParticleTable": "$GAUSSINOROOT/data/ParticleTable.txt" # NOQA } def __init__(self, name=Configurable.DefaultName, **kwargs): kwargs["name"] = name super(Gaussino, self).__init__(*(), **kwargs)
[docs] def setOtherProp(self, other, name): """Set the given property in another configurable object :param other: The other configurable to set the property for :param name: The property name """ self.propagateProperty(name, other)
[docs] def setOtherProps(self, other, names): """ Set the given properties in another configurable object :param other: The other configurable to set the property for :param names: The property names """ self.propagateProperties(names, other)
[docs] def setupHive(self): '''Enable Hive event loop manager''' from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard whiteboard = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc") whiteboard.EventSlots = self.getProp('EventSlots') ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.insert(0, whiteboard) from Configurables import HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, AvalancheSchedulerSvc scheduler = AvalancheSchedulerSvc() eventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(SchedulerName=scheduler) # initialize hive settings if not already set self.propagateProperty('ThreadPoolSize', eventloopmgr) scheduler.ThreadPoolSize = self.getProp('ThreadPoolSize') ApplicationMgr().EventLoop = eventloopmgr
# appendPostConfigAction(
[docs] def __apply_configuration__(self): if self.getProp("EnableHive"): self.setupHive() ppService(self.getProp('ParticleTable')) dataService() auditorService() if (self.getProp("ReDecay")): redecayService() phases = self.getProp("Phases") if "Generator" not in phases: raise Exception("Must have Generator phase") self.setOtherProps(GenPhase(), ['EvtMax']) GenPhase().configure_phase() if "Simulation" in phases: SimPhase().configure_phase() else: GenPhase().configure_genonly() if self.getProp('ConvertEDM'): ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += configure_edm_conversion( self.getProp("ReDecay")) histogramService() ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = self.getProp('EvtMax') ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = 'NONE' from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction def force_engine(): from Gaudi import Configuration neweng = self.getProp('ForceRandomEngine') for name, conf in Configuration.allConfigurables.items(): try: conf.setProp('RandomEngine', neweng) except: pass else:'Forced random engine of {} to {}'.format( name, neweng, )) if self.getProp('ForceRandomEngine') != 'NONE': appendPostConfigAction(force_engine)
eventType = staticmethod(GenPhase.eventType)
[docs] def outputName(self): """ Build a name for the output file, based on input options. Combines DatasetName, EventType, Number of events and Date """ import time outputName = self.getProp("DatasetName") if self.getProp("DatasetNameForced"): return outputName if outputName == "": outputName = 'Gaussino' if self.eventType() != "": if outputName != "": outputName += '-' outputName += self.eventType() if self.EvtMax > 0: outputName += '-' + str(self.EvtMax) + 'ev' idFile = str(time.localtime().tm_year) if time.localtime().tm_mon < 10: idFile += '0' idFile += str(time.localtime().tm_mon) if time.localtime().tm_mday < 10: idFile += '0' idFile += str(time.localtime().tm_mday) outputName += '-' + idFile return outputName
# hack from MiniBrunel configuration
[docs] def co(self): from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables for c in allConfigurables: if hasattr(c, 'ExtraInputs' ) and '/Event/IOVLock' not in c.ExtraInputs: # NOQA c.ExtraInputs.append('/Event/IOVLock')